damn dude that's weird


Hi, this is Paul Allen. I'm being called away to London for a few days. Meredith, I'll call you when I get back. Hasta la vista, baby.

A Hi-Vis Crew Communication

Now if you'll excuse us, we need to return some video tapes...

Fire in the Sky custom sunglasses and one of the most terrifying moves I've ever seen.

“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” ― Arther C. Clarke   Fire in the Sky was one of those movies that confirmed why I am ter...

The Science behind gift giving - For MEN (or those shopping for a man) An analytical approach for blending perfect & Easy.

NEEDS MORE JIGAWATTS. To those with a logical sense the obvious may not need to be stated, but for those who screw this one up time-and-time again, the perfect gift is never easy, and the eas...

If sunglasses could talk...

There goes a saying, "if walls could talk" but I say, what if sunglasses could talk? Because unlike walls, sunglasses are portable and probably get to see cooler things; like the ocean, the mounta...